vendredi 4 novembre 2011

Haul friperie

Adidas sweater, reminds me of the look with colorful legging and over size sunglasses lol

chunky sweater 

Some might think this vest is ugly but I found it cute and unique

My fev found


Granny shirt

mardi 1 novembre 2011

Lush base tientée

I saw a review on Youtube about this product.
I think I'd give it a shot ;-)
So far I love it. It is light but gives you medium coverage.
I mix it with la roche posey moisturizer.
When these two mixed together it melt into my skin.

J'ai vu un review a propos de ce produit et ça m'a donné envie de le essayer.
Je l'ai trouvé très léger, vraiment pour un look naturel.